
JavaScript SDK for “Do They Use” service


About “Do They Use” service

“Do They Use” service is made to help teams to make data-driven decisions for their products. The way it helps to make data-driven decisions - is by providing ready-to-go quantitative data reports about their product usage by users for the teams. Teams get visual answers on various questions about their product’s elements and features usage and can make decisions based on that data.

Service works similarly to Google Analytics, but aims not Marketing and Sales teams, but Product teams. This service helps teams to find answers on the following quantitative questions:

This information helps team to:

Addressed answers on these questions lead to better UX both for Product teams and for Product users. Product gets better and this better is driven not by assumptions but by real usage data by real users.

Problems this SDK solves


  1. Open SDK demo HTML page
  2. Open browser’s dev console
  3. Change drop-down value on demo page

What to expect: on each drop-down value change in console will appear a new report.

How it works

When installed in web page (see for example SDK demo HTML page), SDK listens to events from specified (tagged by data-dtu attribute by default) elements on web page, builds JSON reports and sends them to specified callback (which is console.log by default) function. callback could be a function that sends these reports to API (and this is how this SDK is used in “Do They Use” service).

Supported elements types

List of currently supported elements types is available here. You can play all currently supported elements in a Story Book.

Story Book

All currently supported web elements are available in a Story Book published with GitHub Pages.

How to install on your web-page

  1. At the bottom of your web page (right before </body> closing tag) import and init SDK with any ctag (for example, TEST CTAG):
      <script src="https://alexeyhimself.github.io/dtu_sdk_js/dtu_sdk.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript">
     const dtu = dotheyuse({
       'ctag': 'DTU CTAG',  // DTU CTAG - is a tag from "Do They Use" service

    (check out how it is done in code of SDK demo HTML page and how it works on SDK demo HTML page itself).

  2. Check that SDK was installed correctly. In browser’s dev console execute:

    Correctly installed SDK will reply:


    (you can try this in SDK demo HTML page as well).

Incorrectly installed SDK will reply with an error message related to that specific problem.

How to use

Basic usage

  1. To any (of supported types) element of your web page add data-dtu attribute. For example:
    <select data-dtu="some dropdown">
      <option>value 1</option>
      <option>value 2</option>
  2. Fire supported event for this element. For example, change value in this drop-down.
  3. In browser’s dev console you will see:
    {ctag: 'DTU CTAG', topic: 'default', feature: 'some dropdown', value: 'value 2', …}

    You can try it in in SDK demo HTML page.

Advanced usage

  1. Set your own callback (my_custom_function, for example) function:
    <script type="text/javascript">
      const dtu = dotheyuse({
     'ctag': 'DTU CTAG',
     'callback': my_custom_function
  2. Disable automatic bind to elements to listen events
    <script type="text/javascript">
      const dtu = dotheyuse({
     'ctag': 'DTU CTAG',
     'listen': false
  3. Change default (data-dtu) bind attribute (to data-testid for example):
    <script type="text/javascript">
      const dtu = dotheyuse({
     'ctag': 'DTU CTAG',
     'dtu_attribute': 'testid'

    Please note, that data- preffix is omited.

  4. Specify topic explicitly:
    <script type="text/javascript">
      const dtu = dotheyuse({
     'ctag': 'DTU CTAG',
     'topic': 'custom'

How to run tests

  1. Install Jest framework:
    npm install --save-dev jest
  2. In project directory run:
    npm test

How to check test coverage

  1. In project directory run:
    npx jest --coverage
  2. In project directory will appear coverage directory with index.html and dtu_sdk.js.html files
